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The Owase Chamber Of Commerce of Industry

Phone: +81-597-22-2611

Area 5   Mt. Yaki

Travelers on Kumano Kodo feared the trail calling it “the most difficult trail to pass in the west.” On top of the dense forest and steep trail, pirates and wolves were said to have appeared frequently. People used to pass this cobble stoned trail fearing for their lives.
Because this was such a tough trail to walk, you will find a lot of milestone remains shaped like the guardian deities of travelers.


Area Map & Recommended Courses
5-1 Mt. Yaki
5-2 Koujindo
5-3 Sakura no Mori
5-4 Prefectural Road No. 778/Tendo no Oka  Bokeshi Course 5. Mt. Yaki


For more details, please refer to the guidebook which includes beautiful photos and detailed maps.

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