The Owase Chamber Of Commerce of Industry
Phone: +81-597-22-2611
Secluded Region Guidebook, Discover Owase!
The guidebook contains detailed maps, recommended trail courses and plenty of beautiful photos.
“Secluded Region Guidebook, Discover Owase!”Size: B5, 92 pages, full color
Price: 800 JPY
You may purchase the complete guidebook by calling Owase Chamber of Commerce (Phone: +81-597-22-2611) or online via “Higashi no kishuya.” (Japanese only)

What is Bokeshi Course?
Those who are new to trail hiking or need physically friendly courses may want to take “Bokeshi Course.” “Bokeshi” in Owase dialect means a person who takes shortcuts. Hence, “Bokeshi Course” means “Shortcut Course.”

Each recommended course is indicated by the following star grading system.
●Physicality: Beginner to experienced
●History: A reference on how historic the trails are.
●Spirituality: For relaxation, healing and/or good luck.
●Family: Family friendliness.
You can refer to these categories and number of stars to find a trail that fits your interest.
The guidebook includes 7 areas’ detailed maps.
You can download the PDF maps from each area’s introductory page on this site (Paper size: B4).