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The Owase Chamber Of Commerce of Industry

Phone: +81-597-22-2611

Area 4   Yanokawa

Yanokawa Togemichi that connects Owase and Kinomoto (Komano City) is considered the hardest trail to walk on among the all the land routes in Higashi Kishu.
Nostalgic remains of Edo-michi, Meiji-michi, and Showa-michi still do exist on this trail. You can also enjoy sites of various waterfalls along the way.


Area Map & Recommended Courses
4-1 Yanokawa Toge Meiji-michi/Yanokawa Anzensakudo
4-2 Yanokawa Toge Showa-michi  Bokeshi Course 4. Owase Trail
4-3 Yanokawa Toge Edo-michi/Dengara Goe
4-4 Kata Kiritoushi
4-5 Tochi no Mori

For more details, please refer to the guidebook which includes beautiful photos and detailed maps.

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